Near Death Visitors

Someone very near and dear to me is 83 years old and nearing end of life.

In the past couple of years he has gone onto oxygen 24/7 and become very frail, both physically and I’m afraid cognitively too.

During this time, he has also begun to dream regularly of his family members who have passed on. Sometimes he sees them while he is awake. The one family member he rarely sees is his father.

However, he did see him once in the past year, while awake.

Today, he told me, that he has begun to see his father in dreams, often. “We never were very close,” he said. “But now it seems to be better between us. He seems to be coming to help me and for us to be closer.”

This makes me very happy, even though I realize it probably means he is getting close to passing from this life.

In case the reader does not realize, I believe in these visits. I do not believe they are hallucinations. I believe that our sainted loved ones can and do come visit us. Especially when our time is drawing to a close. I see it as a very beautiful thing.

So if you have a loved one, who may be nearing their earthly journey, please don’t dismiss their ‘visits.’ Just because you can’t see the loved one (from the other side) who is visiting, does not mean that the one, who is getting ready to leave this world, can’t. I believe they can see and even enter other dimensions as they ready to leave this dimension.

Give special thought to — life does not end. Passing to the other side is a new birth. The loved one may go on to live their greatest life! Perhaps they will even come back and visit you when you near your journey’s end on the earthly plane.