Struggling With the Loss

I’m afraid I now sit in the seat (once again) of my reader. I am struggling with the loss of a loved one. This time it is my husband’s daughter. His first born.

Waiting for a visit is always difficult, after a loss. This wait seems particularly difficult. My husband has been through several catastrophes recently. I am filled with anxiety watching him try to weather another storm in his life. If only I could tell him, I’ve seen her. I’ve talked with her. She is fine. She is happy!

We pray for her every day. I talk to her every night, before I sleep. I invite her visit, but leave the choice with her.

It seems that while I wait each night for her visit, other passed loved ones, flit in and out of my dreams. However, nothing of any seeming significance. Perhaps they are simply like the TV announcer telling us to tune in again tomorrow night, same time, same station.

So here I shall be, struggling with the loss, hoping and waiting for that special first visit from her since her passing.

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