Visit in the astral

Last night I had a visit from a fairly new friend who is going through an extremely stressful time. This has been going on for over a year now. God only knows when he will have some relief. I have not seen him for the better part of a year but know that his problems are ongoing. I pray for him every night.

Yes, we visited in the astral. While I usually talk about visiting with our deceased loved ones, it is worth mentioning that we sometimes have real visits, in the astral, with loved ones who remain here in body & spirit.

In the ‘dream,’ I told him I was going on another cursillo retreat. He asked me what I was offering this retreat for. I realized I had no ‘intention’ yet. But I knew immediately my intention. “For you,” I answered him. He glowed he was so happy.

“I know you have been struggling and you have more trials to face. But face them, you will. You are strong.” I reminded him that he is a soldier of Christ and has all the strength behind him that he will need.

Now I don’t know if he remembers our visit. But I remember, and I know it strengthened him. The visit helped me too, in that I feel that I made a difference. Thank you Lord, for allowing me this.

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