Plant the pansies

So who should show up in my dreamland last night, but my Mom! She came from the other-side to go with me to the cemetery.

We sat at the edge of Daddy’s headstone, on a sidehill. I was busy planting blue pansies in front of the stone. Mom looked down over the hill and stood. She pointed and said excitedly, “There’s David!” She waved exuberantly.

Then dropped her hand saying, “I guess he can’t see me. But he had someone with him.”

I told her, “They must be going to decorate Uncle Dave’s and Aunty Cal’s graves. That must be Rene with him. She decorates their parents’ graves every year for Memorial Day.

Even though Mom’s grave was right there beside me, I did not find it odd that Mom had come to sit with me while I decorated Daddy’s (and her) grave.

It was a nice visit. It did not seem to be filled with sadness, just love. I miss them both and now I must go plant the pansies.

The way of spirits

A widowed friend recently told me about a visit she had from beyond the veil.

Her deceased husband came and stood outside her door, accompanied by two dogs. She saw him through the door window. He stood there and smiled at her, making no attempt to enter the house.

When my friend awoke, she realized her husband had been there only to reassure her that he is watching over her and assisting her in the way of spirits.

What a precious visit!