My most frequent visitor from beyond the veil

My dear little friend Naji, who is deceased, came to visit with me in dreamland again!

She has to be my most frequent visitor from beyond the veil. We visit more often now than we did the last decade of her life. The visits however, do seem to be getting a bit further apart.

We were just bubbling with joy at seeing each other again.

She said she had come to tell me that she was moving. We were sad that we would see even less of each other than we have since she moved last time. But we didn’t waste time wallowing in self-pity and sadness. We simply enjoyed the time we had together.

After I woke up, I pondered… it’s odd that the last few times Naji has visited me in dreams, it has been to tell me that she is moving. Now there has to be a reason for the moving theme, don’t you think?

I believe that there must truly be ‘levels’ of Heaven and Naji must be moving up! While she moves ‘further away’ from me, I can’t be sad because this means that my dear little friend is moving closer to the Throne of God.

I am truly happy for her and know that one day we will be together again. But as I told her husband in the dream, “I sure will miss those little cucumbers from Naji’s garden.”

Author: admin

As a toddler, Sue Baumgardner made up stories for herself looking at books she could not read and later spun tales for her younger sisters. After she had her own children, she told them tales and eventually wove a new pattern into the fabric of their lives. As the three sat together, one would begin with a story idea of her own. She spoke perhaps a paragraph or two or three, then pointed to the next who would take up the thread and continue with her own evolution of the story line passed to her, until she pointed to the next. The third person wove her own ideas into the story progression. After the three each had a turn, anyone could end the story, in their turn, whenever it felt complete to them. After her children were adults, Sue studied writing, first poetry and then prose. After six semesters in adult education, she was thoroughly hooked on the story art form. Sue continued with dozens of classes, seminars and writing retreats. She studied writing and publishing under the likes of James Patterson, Peter Behrens, and Mark Dawson. As a contributor to the Discover Maine Magazine, Sue received her first check for her prose. Her poetry has been published in The Aurorian. She has six of her paperbacks along with four ebooks published. They include fiction and nonfiction for adults and fiction for Middle Readers. Her very first publishing though began with Greeting Card Universe, where Sue’s greeting cards with verse are sold across the world.

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