Mother-in-law visit from beyond

Three nights passed now since my beloved mother-in-law visited me yet again, in dream land.

I ‘dreamed’ that I visited her in her home. The place was full of people, some who are still alive and several who have passed-on.

We were very happy to see each other again. We hugged and expressed our love. I thought how amazing it was that we kept this love for each other even though her son and I had divorced.

She looked great and so did her daughter, BJ who has also passed on.

I talked with Liz who had been heavy ever since I had know her. She sat outside a back window with a small crowd. “Liz, is that you?” I asked through the window. “You look fantastic!” She opened the blanket she had around her shoulders, grinning. She was thin and looked better than I had ever seen her. I was absolutely delighted for her.

Once again, I saw my mother-in-law. This time she lay on a queen-sized bed with her son, my ex. I knew he was not well and was happy that he was with his mother. I knew nothing could make either of them happier.

Funny thing is, I knew he was my ex-husband. But looking back now, I don’t know how I knew because he appeared as a young child, perhaps three years old, and looked nothing like the boy or man that I knew.

Soon, I noticed my sister and her husband were there. I asked her what she was doing there. She began explaining that she and her husband had been visiting someone else and on their way home decided to stop in. I supposed that was because she saw the crowd…

Then I noticed her husband, sitting next to an open widow, was talking to someone outside the window — my Dad! He wore a beautiful, v-neck, bright yellow sweater. Then I realized, “But Dad passed-away nine yeas ago.”

That’s when it hit me, “This is happening in dream-land. So I can control it!” I began asking my mother-in-law to come back into my vision so we could talk more. But she didn’t. I begged her to come back to me and woke up weeping loudly, because I wanted to see her so badly.

I love you, Virginia. Thank you so much for the visit, and please come again.

Still good friends

My dear brother-in-law passed on January 9, 2022.

He came to visit with me last night. We were both aware that he had passed and now came to visit with me and learn more about my life.

As with all of my visits with those who have passed, it did not impress me as something beyond the norm that we should be able to visit after he had passed on. I was as happy to see him as I would be if my brother, who lives 12 miles from me, knocked on my door. A very pleasant visit from a loved one.

We held hands as only good friends can do — no romance here, only friendship that grew out of family relations and mutual respect.

I took Jack back to ‘my first real job’ at Merrill Trust Co. Bank, which was no longer a bank but housed some kind of offices. At one point a lady kept us from entering the inner santum of an office but we could see in through an open door. She (somehow) knew that we were revisiting my past workplace.

I showed him the front lobby where the tellers were and told him of the top floor where the break room was. I told him how as an impressionable 17 year old girl, I sat in there and observed all the smartly dressed stenographers smoke their cigarettes. That was the beginning of my smoking, to emulate those young chic ladies. Jack and I both shook our heads sadly at how we had been drawn into the world of smokers.

From a window, we peered down at a sitting area below us. It was quite picturesque, alongside the Kenduskeag Stream. An obvious smoking area. Jack excused himself to visit that area and have a smoke while I visited more of the old haunt. (So Jack still smokes, while I don’t.)

I took more time than I intended in my revisiting. Jack was no longer down in the smoking area. I felt badly that I had kept him waiting and we had lost track of each other.

I stepped through the double glass doors onto the granite steps, and there was a note from Jack. The note was pencil written on a large torn piece of heavy paper (like from a bag of dog food.) It lay on the sidewalk at the foot of the steps.

I cannot remember what the note said. However, I do remember that it was humorous while spot on and I grinned reading it. (I knew it was to me from Jack, even though there was no salutation or signature.)

Next thing I remember is, I saw Jack from across the bank lobby. We were happy to find each other again, but he was not upset with me for taking so long to come find him.

Jack was happy and relaxed. It was a good visit and I am thankful to him for meeting with me (from beyond the veil) and showing me that his life is healthy and happy now. And for letting me know that we are still good friends.

My sister-in-law came from beyond the veil, to reassure me.

My sister-in-law who passed away fourteen years ago, came to visit in my dream-state, a couple of days ago. The visit stays with me.

You see, after she passed (14 years ago,) Sue came to visit me one night shortly after she died. She stood/floated outside my bedroom door. It looked like she attempted to enter my bedroom but couldn’t fit. Note that she was a very thin woman.

She kissed each of her shoulders, like she used to do when she and I were the winning partners in Rook. I noticed where she kissed, there were what I would call ‘buds.’ If memory serves me right, they looked similar to a calf’s beginning horns — just a couple of inches tall and perhaps an inch and a half diameter at the base.

Noticing her buds and her beautific smile, it hit me. She was telling me that she was in Heaven by acting like she had wings and couldn’t fit through the doorway. Of course she did not have wings anymore that she did back when we played cards. But she was playing a charades-like game with me, to let me know that she had ascended and was blissfully happy.

Well, Sue’s husband, Jack, passed this week. We were sad to see him go, for his boys’ sake and for ours too.

Sue visited me in my dream-state again, a couple nights ago. I didn’t see her and Jack at first, but I somehow ‘knew’ they were playing tennis and were very happy to be doing that again.

I was in a hotel room with a couple of old friends in the same convention center as Sue and Jack. Suddenly Sue floated in with a gentleman she had met on the tennis courts.

She was dressed elegantly in a sparkly cocktail dress, and looking much younger than when she passed. The handsome gentleman, who was not her husband, was a musician. He carried a hand written score. He had written the song and wanted to play it on the piano and sing it to my sister-in-law, his new friend.

A keyboard appeared just floating in the air. He played, mostly just punctuated chords, and sang the song. His voice could only be described as heavenly!

Upon waking, I wondered why I didn’t ‘see’ my brother-in-law with his wife, Sue. Then I understood. He hasn’t fully ascended yet. He does not have his ethereal body yet. Even so, Sue came to let me know that Jack is there and they all are unmeasurably happy.

Thank you so much for the visit, Sue, and for the reassurance. I love you! <3

Near Death Visitors

Someone very near and dear to me is 83 years old and nearing end of life.

In the past couple of years he has gone onto oxygen 24/7 and become very frail, both physically and I’m afraid cognitively too.

During this time, he has also begun to dream regularly of his family members who have passed on. Sometimes he sees them while he is awake. The one family member he rarely sees is his father.

However, he did see him once in the past year, while awake.

Today, he told me, that he has begun to see his father in dreams, often. “We never were very close,” he said. “But now it seems to be better between us. He seems to be coming to help me and for us to be closer.”

This makes me very happy, even though I realize it probably means he is getting close to passing from this life.

In case the reader does not realize, I believe in these visits. I do not believe they are hallucinations. I believe that our sainted loved ones can and do come visit us. Especially when our time is drawing to a close. I see it as a very beautiful thing.

So if you have a loved one, who may be nearing their earthly journey, please don’t dismiss their ‘visits.’ Just because you can’t see the loved one (from the other side) who is visiting, does not mean that the one, who is getting ready to leave this world, can’t. I believe they can see and even enter other dimensions as they ready to leave this dimension.

Give special thought to — life does not end. Passing to the other side is a new birth. The loved one may go on to live their greatest life! Perhaps they will even come back and visit you when you near your journey’s end on the earthly plane.

Moving on

Good visit with my deceased sister-in-law last night.

She had one of her children there with her, though I did not actually ‘see’ the child, I knew the child was there. (Makes me wonder if my sister-in-law miscarried a baby.) My sister-in-law had moved to a new place, where I went to visit her. It was strange, in that it sat on water. I had to walk through a bit of water and then cross a rickety deck to get in to her place. It was tricky. I wondered why…

My sister-in-law and I sat at a table and had a good talk. At one point, she looked at me and asked “Who ARE you?” I knew she knew that I was Sue. But she was asking something more.

I answered her, “I am your sister-in-law and I love you always.”

She smiled and relaxed at this. In life, we had never been too sure of each other’s feeling for the other. Perhaps because of outside interference…

A small crystal bowl sat on the table in front of her. I noticed a crystal rosary was in the bowl with the cross and first few beads spilled out over the edge. I told her, “I’m so happy to see that you have the rosary with you. Say it often.”

I also asked her if she was familiar with the divine chaplet. She said no. “I’ll bring it to you next time,” I told her. “You say it on your rosary beads but it’s a different prayer and very beautiful.” I wondered if she would do the spoken prayer or the sung version.

We also spoke of her and my brother’s love for one another. She is beginning to understand, and accept, the real reason they divorced.

I’m glad we met and resolved things between us and that she is moving on peacefully. I will always love her and miss her.

Gathering to help one of us

Every night lately, I dream of visits with loved ones who have passed. It never appears to be a meeting of importance. We just ‘talk’ of mundane everyday stuff. Sometimes a group of those passed, other times one-on-one.

It makes me wonder if they are gathering to help one of us, in this house, pass soon.

I dreamed of her visit with husband who has passed

I did not visit with someone who has passed. Rather, I visited with my daughter who I dreamed did the visiting.

My daughter visited with her late husband who passed with pancreatic cancer in 2014.

Let me begin at the beginning.

I have been concerned lately that someone very near and dear to me is nearing death. It seems that each day I see things that show me he is drawing ever nearer to the other side.

In my dream, my daughter told me that she had consulted with her husband who had passed. He assured that yes, this dear person is close to leaving us.

He advised her as to things we should do for the loved one to ease his passing. There were several things. I don’t remember all of them. One thing I do remember is that he said to put some kind of oil on the loved one’s eyelids every day. I wish I could remember what kind of oil.


Knowing that I like doing the Jumbles in the daily newspaper, my sister brought a book of Jumbles to me last night.

As I slept last night, my mother (who passed over in 2016) came to visit my sister and I. The two of us were busy in the kitchen.

Mom headed for the kitchen table to sit down. She spotted the new Jumbles book and picked it up and took it to her place at the table. She picked up a pen, opened the book and began solving the first jumble of letters.

I walked over to her, put my hand on her shoulder and said, “Mimi bought that for me tonight. But I really don’t have the time for those. So you can have it, Mom.”

Well pleased, as an old Jumbles fan, she smiled like the Cheshire Cat.

It was nice to see her again and see that Cheshire Cat grin of hers that she used to show so often when she was delighted. And the Jumbles thing — that was just her letting me know, as I awoke, that it really was her and she really came for a visit.

Thanks, Mom. Love you! I’ll hang on to the Jumbles book for you until your next visit from Heaven.

Plant the pansies

So who should show up in my dreamland last night, but my Mom! She came from the other-side to go with me to the cemetery.

We sat at the edge of Daddy’s headstone, on a sidehill. I was busy planting blue pansies in front of the stone. Mom looked down over the hill and stood. She pointed and said excitedly, “There’s David!” She waved exuberantly.

Then dropped her hand saying, “I guess he can’t see me. But he had someone with him.”

I told her, “They must be going to decorate Uncle Dave’s and Aunty Cal’s graves. That must be Rene with him. She decorates their parents’ graves every year for Memorial Day.

Even though Mom’s grave was right there beside me, I did not find it odd that Mom had come to sit with me while I decorated Daddy’s (and her) grave.

It was a nice visit. It did not seem to be filled with sadness, just love. I miss them both and now I must go plant the pansies.