Born again

Last night I dreamed that the granddaughter of a friend died. The young lady had yet to reach her twentieth birthday. I went to what I suppose was her wake.

Not in a coffin, she was laid out atop a white sheet, on something like a stretcher. She wore pink pajamas, like the footed Carters that babies wear.

People were gathered in groups whispering, embracing each other, and crying; but no one was near the body of the deceased. I went over to her and noticed she stirred. I knew she was dead but I was not surprised when she opened her eyes and looked up at me, as I caressed her brow.

“You’re the calm one,” she smiled at me. “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” I smiled back at her.

She closed her eyes and departed.

Upon waking I pondered this dream. The young lady appeared to have a normal-sized head, but much smaller body than she does in life and she was dressed in those pink Carter-like pajamas. What did that mean?

Perhaps, it signified that she was born-again?

I know that while I felt genuine love and closeness with this young lady, I did not mourn her passing. I experienced joy in my soul for her, even while feeling deep sympathy for her family and loved ones.

Author: admin

As a toddler, Sue Baumgardner made up stories for herself looking at books she could not read and later spun tales for her younger sisters. After she had her own children, she told them tales and eventually wove a new pattern into the fabric of their lives. As the three sat together, one would begin with a story idea of her own. She spoke perhaps a paragraph or two or three, then pointed to the next who would take up the thread and continue with her own evolution of the story line passed to her, until she pointed to the next. The third person wove her own ideas into the story progression. After the three each had a turn, anyone could end the story, in their turn, whenever it felt complete to them. After her children were adults, Sue studied writing, first poetry and then prose. After six semesters in adult education, she was thoroughly hooked on the story art form. Sue continued with dozens of classes, seminars and writing retreats. She studied writing and publishing under the likes of James Patterson, Peter Behrens, and Mark Dawson. As a contributor to the Discover Maine Magazine, Sue received her first check for her prose. Her poetry has been published in The Aurorian. She has six of her paperbacks along with four ebooks published. They include fiction and nonfiction for adults and fiction for Middle Readers. Her very first publishing though began with Greeting Card Universe, where Sue’s greeting cards with verse are sold across the world.

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