Don’t sweep your differences under the rug.

My latest visit beyond the veil is very different from any other that I remember.

I witnessed two friends who passed-on, separately, a few years ago. They were having a fairly calm conversation trying to iron out a strong disagreement they had several years before they passed-away. It had been a strong and very emotional disagreement. However, they found a way to move beyond the disagreement and continue their friendship.

Now, however, they are attempting to iron out their differences.

I am left wondering why I was given an audience for this scene. I can only think that perhaps my friends wanted to make sure that I realized that problems in a relationship must be resolved.

It is our choice when and where ~ Here or on the other side of the veil. We can choose to work things out here. Or, we can sweep it under the rug. But we must realize that these differences will remain and they will cross over to the other side with us, where we must ultimately work through them.

So, be aware my friends. Don’t sweep your differences under the rug.