My miraculous visit

I can barely wait to get this typed and tell you of the most incredible experience of my life! It happened early this morning about 2:00 AM. Twenty-five days after my husband, Mike, passed-away.

I tossed and turned for a couple of hours — just couldn’t sleep. I noticed that light spilled out into the hall from my sister’s room. So she was awake too.

I slipped from my bed and made a bathroom run. Once back in my bed, I rolled onto my right side and closed my eyes. Okay, Susanne, you need to get some sleep, I told myself.

I stiffened as I felt tracks across the bottom of my bed — like you would feel if a big cat or your dog walked beneath you feet, across the bed. I have no animals, though.

I realized it was a spirit and I was a little uneasy. I wanted to speak out loud but decided against it, because I didn’t want my sister, in the next room, to hear me and think I had lost my mind.

So I simply thought in my mind, “Mike is that you?” The stepping moved up alongside my back. “Mike, if it is you, please tap me twice on the butt.” Two incredible thumbs patted the top of my hip as I lie there on my side. The thumps were accompanied by a strong, tingling shock. It didn’t hurt, but like an electrical shock.

I began to weep and told him over and over, “I love you, I love you, I love you so much!”

“Mike, tap me twice more if the answer is yes. Are you happy, Mike?”

Two more taps with electrical shocks which were even stronger and traveled through the top quarter, in depth, of my body. Then he patted me from my hip, up along my side and I felt that same electric shock with every pat.

I was completely taken over with weeping. Finally, realizing that the spirits never stay long, I asked, “Mike are you still here?”

He had departed, leaving me with the greatest gift a wife could ever ask for. I thanked him and told him I loved him, yet again.

I called my sister to my bedside, had her lie down with me, and told her of my miraculous visit.

Folks, they say he died. But believe me, he is not dead! And he is happy!

They took me on a trip

My old friend Naji, the Lebanese American lady, one of the best friends I’ve ever had, came to visit me in my dream state last night. She comes fairly often from beyond the veil.

She usually comes alone. But last night she had her husband, whom she used to call, ‘Buddie,’ with her.

They had an RV and were going to take me on a trip with them. Bud and I were talking while we all packed up the RV. Bud, as I called him, asked me if I’d like to hear about their courting and their younger years together.

I sensed that he was going to confess some things about himself which he was ashamed of, or perhaps sorry for is more correct. However, he had been able to move past them and could freely admit to his shortcomings now.

Before I could answer him yes or no, Naji spoke up and said, “Oh Pa, nooo…”

Why in the world is she calling him Pa? I wondered.

But one thing I did understand was that she did not want to hear him speak of his past faults. She loves and respects him very much as he is now and it pains her to speak of his human faults. They are in the past; they are gone.

Life after death, shown to me once again, in my dream state.

They were my friends in this life. They were not perfect human beings, any more than I am. But they have entered a realm of learning and purification, I do believe. And they are together. And they are happy.

In this dream, I was vaguely aware that they had died many years past. However, I knew they still lived (though not in the physical body) and had come to share some time with me. Perhaps even share some lessons with me. I don’t remember if they did share any lessons. But I’m grateful for another visit and whatever they left with me.

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Life after death

My deceased friend Naji visited me in my sleep again last night! I am always so happy to see her again. This was a dream-like visit where there were several messages only realized upon awakening.

Naji and I were in her old house in Waterville. I was painting the woodwork inside a window frame for her, while she was readying for a trip.

Her husband and her son had both already died. Naji was about to take a trip where she would recover from her loss.

She walked into the bathroom, where I stood painting. “Oh Naji,” I said, “you look beautiful!” And she surely did. I’d never seen her look better.

I was not finished with my painting when Naji’s ride arrived. I remember her house was empty of all furniture and belongings. I did not think anything of that until I woke up from my sleep.

We decided that I would finish the painting after Naji was gone. I kissed her good-bye and told her, “I will be here when you get back.” She didn’t answer, she just looked me in the eye. That gave me an uneasy feeling like perhaps she knew something that I did not; perhaps she would not be coming back.

We decided I would ride with her for her departure (from the airport?) As we rode in the car, I reassured her several times that I would be there when she returned. (Even as I reassured her that I would be there, I knew I would not be there for long, because I was moving on too.) She never answered that. I began to fear how I would get back from this ‘ride.’ We hugged and I kissed her on the cheek. I expressed my concern about how I would return. I snapped awake!

I had returned.

As I’ve written before, Naji is probably my most frequent night-time visitor.

So what were the messages in this visit from beyond the veil? First, she did indeed recover from the loss of her husband and son beyond the veil!

Secondly —Probably the fact that Naji’s house was empty of all furniture and belongings was an attempt to show me that she no longer lived there.

Thirdly— the fact that she never responded to my telling her I would be there when she returned should have clued me in that she would not be returning to her house. Well, it did after I awoke (or returned to my body.) As so often happens, many of the ‘clues’ only make sense upon awakening.

Fourth—that feeling that I would soon be moving? Perhaps I will join Naji beyond the veil, soon? But what is ‘soon’ in God’s time?

It just occurred to me, perhaps painting that window frame was a clue too. I painted it a nice bright white. Perhaps that represented the window opened (which it was) between Naji and I—the opening in the veil. It was after all, where Naji appeared to me and looked SO beautiful.

I love my little friend and I am ever so grateful for each and every visit from her. I am also grateful for the reassurance she has given me concerning life-after-death. Until next time, thank you, Naji!

LIFE after death

Sometimes we prepare and prepare for a requested visit from a departed loved one. But it just doesn’t happen. We don’t know why, but we accept it as God’s will.

How serendipity when the opposite happens!

My husband sat on the couch, watching a little TV yesterday. During a commercial, he turned his head and looked to his right. There sat his sister, who left us many years ago. She smiled at him, looking like the cat that swallowed the canary!

What a comfort for the man who just recently lost his last living sibling and only weeks before, he first born child! This sister who passed about a decade ago, came back and comforted her brother. It’s as if she assured him that, “There is life after death!”

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