Live in the light, visit in the light

Thus far, we have talked about us, the living and breathing, communicating with our loved ones who have passed. Let us take a different road today.

Suppose you have just been diagnosed with a serious illness and the prospects for you living more than a few months are not looking good.

I hope if this has happened or does happen to any of my readers, that you have already come to a place in your faith journey where you are ready.

Of course, it is never easy leaving our loved ones on Earth, knowing the grieving process will be difficult for them.

It is my hope that we can prepare our loved ones before we leave them. Prepare them with what we have been talking about all along, in this blog. How to communicate with our loved ones who have passed on.

Re-read the blogs listed here, for the past few months. Discuss them with your living loved ones. Or better yet, have them read the blogs before discussing them. Reassure your loved ones, that if at all possible, you will attempt a personal communication with them after you pass. Encourage them to seek this communication with you, if they so desire. To open the window between dimensions.

But please, do not forget to warn them to always go through God and use his Holy White Light for protection.

If we pass to live in the light, we will visit them only in the light.

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