How to Glimpse Loved Ones on ‘The Other Side’

I once read that Dr. Raymond Moody sometimes used a mirror. (Similar methods have been used in various cultures for eons.) He sat in a comfortable chair near a large mirror, positioned so that he could see the mirror but not see his own reflection in the mirror. I believe he prepared for this by fasting the day before.

As he sat near the mirror, he sometimes held photos or momentoes of his subject. As he sat in this quiet and relaxing place, he practiced breathing cleansing breaths and relaxed further. At a certain point, the mirror often fogged and somewhere thereafter contact was made with his loved one, for about one minute.

His success rate was said to be very high, but he also proffered that when one becomes discouraged during this exercise, and more or less gives up, this is often when they actually experience the most profound connection.

I would venture to say, there is a myriad of methods used to see through the veil. But this one seems a bit too staged and hocus-pocus for me.

Do I have any readers who have experience with this exercise?

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